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The Cold war has a number of important effects on America

1) After WWII, the government greatly decreased arms spending, which led to mass layoffs and an economic slump. Increased government spending on weapons brought America out of the decline giving it another economic boom.

2) (related to 1) The increased defence production was often located in areas such as the southwest which were not previously popular areas to live in. The sudden appearance of jobs created a demographic shift towards these areas. Also several new technologies (such as microwaves) were adapted from military to civilian use

3) U.S. Foreign policy changed too. After less than successful wars in Vietnam and, to some degree, Korea (sorry grandpa) Americans became more cautious in declaring war and getting involved in general.

4) The release of the Pentagon Papers (documents showing the government had not been telling the truth about the Vietnam War) and the Watergate Scandal, had shaken American faith in the government. Surveys showed that less than 25% of the public trusted the government fully.

5) Public anti-war demonstrations and many other protests divided the nation.

6) In response to Communist values of Atheism and Conformity, Americans tried to be more Religious and Individualistic.

7) The threat of mutually assured destruction killed much of the optimism following the post war (WWII not cold war) prosperity.

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