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Slavery was a thorny problem when the Constitution was written in 1787. One of the main reasons it was allowed to exist at that time was the belief that it was adying institution and would eventuallywither away. This was indeed the belief of both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both substantial slave holders in Virginia. What gave new economic life to slavery was the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in the very early 1800's. The rise of cotton cultivation, the most lucrative crop of the time, spanning the areas from North Carolina to Texas, spurred the use of African slavery to levels that the Founding Fathers could never have imagined. By 1860 the very economic foundation of every state of the future Confederacy save two, Virginia and Tennessee, was based on cotton monoculture. It is one of the supreme ironies of the American Civil War that most of the bloodshed occurred in the twoConfederate states least affected by slavery and King Cotton.

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Q: Why was slavery allowed in the south for so long?
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Where did most northeners believe slavery should not be allowed to spread?

because they had a war and Abraham Licoln won so there should be no slavery

Why was the history of slavery repressed for so long?

so many people tried to stop slavery like the north but the people in the south didnt want slavery to end so it then took them 200 years for the slavery to finnaly end

What is the conflict of North vs South Slavery?

North was against slavery, and south wanted more slavery. south wanted more slavery so they could work on the cotton fields. if more people work on cotton fields the south would have more money.

What allowed slavery to spread south?

The lifestyles of the people who lived there, many were noblemen who were not in the immediate line of succession so they took their money and belongings to the south where they were accustomed to their god-like treatment thus feeding this treatment with slaves. The second factor was cheap labor. The third reason was the North allowed it.

Why was the south so upset by Lincoln's election?

They were upset because he was against slavery which was the south's mean of economy. They relayed on slavery to work on the plantation.

Did the border states have slaves?

Yes. These were the four slave-states of the Upper South that had voted to stay loyal. Lincoln did not want to upset powerful slave-owners in these states and drive them into the arms of the Confederacy, so he allowed slavery to continue there for the duration of the war. IMPROVEMENT The Border States had altogether 430 929 slaves.

How did segregation in the South affect people?

Black people weren't allowed the certain rights that white people had.They weren't allowed to drink from the same water fountains, go to the same schools or even eat at the same restaurants. They were already in slavery tho so to come out of slavery and still be treated like this in the south it probably had little affect unless you were already born up north.

What is the cause of the Civil War?

There are many causes to the civil war one was slavery becasue the south wanted to cede from the union so that they could have slavery.

Was slavery in south America in 1930 bad?

Well, by 1930 slavery had ended in almost every country. The UK France,Spain, the US and so on. Most of these countries were in control of the slavery that was happening in south America. So, if they had ended there slavery, south America's could not have been that bad. However, that is not to say that there still wasn't slavery. There is still slavery till this day in certain countries. Was it as bad in the 1930s in south America no, did it still exists, probably.

Why did the south want to keep slaves so bad?

The South want to keep slavery so badly because they wanted to be able to have work but they do not pay them, SO the South can make more money to buy more slaves, more lands, so they can pay their taxes. North did not like what the South didn't have to pay for their works. South depended on slavery to growth for their farms, their plantation to be good, If slavery did not happen South will have been worse.

Why was the south basically a self-sufficient society?

because the south continued the slavery so everyone started a war on the to stop the slavery like the north did

Was the Civil War about slavery or prejudice?

The American Civil War was about the south wanting slavery and the north saying it was wrong. So... the answer to your question is... Slavery.