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Legendary NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund founder and lead counsel Thurgood Marshall was the first African-American to join the US Supreme Court. President Lyndon Johnson appointed Justice Marshall in 1967. He retired in 1991 and died in 1993.

As an attorney, Marshall argued 32 cases before the Supreme Court and won 29, an outstanding record. His best known case was Brown v. Board of Education, (1954), the case that established segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.

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Thurgood Marshall and Sandra Day O'Connor were the first justices to introduce true diversity to the US Supreme Court.

Justice Marshall, appointed by President Johnson in 1967, was the first African-American to break the color barrier. Justice O'Connor, appointed by President Reagan in 1981, was the first woman to break the gender barrier.

Justice Marshall served on the Court from 1967 until his retirement in 1991; Justice O'Connor served from 1981 until her retirement in 2006.

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Thurgood Marshall was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. After that, he was appointed to be the 32nd US Solicitor General by Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson later appointed him to the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

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The first African-American justice on the Supreme Courtwas Thurgood Marshall. He was the 96th judge appointed to the Supreme Court, and was in office from October 2, 1967 until October 1, 1991.

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Thurgood Marshall

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President Lyndon Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to the US Supreme Court in 1967.