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Sojourner Truth was born into slavery, and was lucky enough to live around the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. She was set free once it was applied, but she had to leave her children behind. With her new life, she was a reformer and a abolitionist. She became a woman's rightist, anti-slavery speaker, while also supporting religious tolerance and pacifism. She is also well known for her renowned speech "Ain't I a Women." This speech contained information on how she was a women, and how she was able to work just as well as a man.

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Q: Why was Sojourner Truth was so important to black history?
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Why is Sojourner Truth important to history?

Because I think she was a black lady who went on a journey for freedom.

Why is Sojourner Truth important to American history?

Because I think she was a black lady who went on a journey for freedom.

Why is Sojourner Truth so important?

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Sojourner Truth was a famous Black American who helped the slaves in the 1850-1890s to escspe the harsh white people in the cotton peoplees

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Sojourner Truth fought for womens rights and against slavery. She helped many black union soldiers in th Civil War.

How did Sojourner Truth make a contribution to American history?

Sojourner truth was an African American woman abolitionist and supporter of the women's rights movement. She made many speeches, include her most famous one, Ain't I a Woman, at a woman's rights convention where she was the only black person there. for more info go to and search Sojourner Truth contributions. There are multiple sites all dedicated to her.

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