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Growing cotton became more profitable, and slaves were needed to grow the cotton.

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Q: Why idd the cotton gin lead to more slavery?
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What lead to more slavery?

The cotton gin

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What invention caused the expansion of slavery in the south?

Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.

Who invented the cotton gin which caused an increased in slavery?

Eli Whitney. Slavery increased because cotton production greatly increased after the cotton gin was invented.

How did Eli Whitneys cotton gin affect slavery?

You would think that since there aren't as many hands needed to separate cotton, there would be a decrease in slavery. However, plantation owners only grew more cotton which needed more slaves to pick, then needed even more slaves to operate the cotton gin. In fact, after the invention of the cotton gin, slavery soon quadrupled.

What was the importance of the cotton grin?

The cotton gin made slavery more profitable. The cotton gin made the process of separating the seeds from cotton fifty times faster.

What was the intended goal of the cotton gin in regards to slavery?

The cotton gin was supposed to help abolish slavery because it takes less people when you have machines. However, with the ability to "shuck" cotton more quickly came the desire for more land for cotton. Unfortunately, slave labor was still needed to pick the cotton, which was now far more abundant, and so there was a sharp increase in slavery following the cotton gin.

How is Eli Whitney this relevant to slavery?

Eli Whitney, (who lived in Conn.), invented the cotton gin. The cotton gin removed seeds from cotton. This made cotton worth more money. More slaves were needed to plant, grow, and pick cotton. He made cotton slavery worth more money.

Why did the cotton gin increase slavery?

As the cotton gin was created, more southern plantation owners saw that cotton could be produced more efficiently. This made a rise in slavery because, more slaves equals a larger work force which can plant and grow cotton faster.

Why did the cotton gin lead to slaves becoming more valuable than without cotton gin?

more cotton plantations were needed just took this on apex

How did the cotton gin lead to rise in slavery?

Whitney's cotton gin created an easy way to pick the seed from the cotton. Once this was possible cotton became a cash crop and it was necessary to be picked far more to keep up with the ability to de-seed it. This in turn led to the need of more people (slaves) to pick the cotton.

How the cotton gin lead to a rise in slavery?

Whitney's cotton gin created an easy way to pick the seed from the cotton. Once this was possible cotton became a cash crop and it was necessary to be picked far more to keep up with the ability to de-seed it. This in turn led to the need of more people (slaves) to pick the cotton.