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To prevent the Confederacy from exporting its plentiful cotton in exchange for war supplies.

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Q: Why do you think the union organized a blockade off the Atlantic coast?
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What body of water forms coast of Maine?

i think it would be the atlantic

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I think along the east coast if we are talking about the same blockade! :D

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The answer depends on what fraction of WHAT are on the Atlantic coast! Please spend a moment to think about your question to ensure it makes some sense before you post it.

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i think it would be the atlantic

What body of water forms the coast of Maine?

i think it would be the atlantic

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o think it was the union pacific railroad

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yes what do you think

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The Gold Coast was in west Africa. It is now known as the nation of Ghana.It has no relation to the city of the Gold Coast in southeast Queensland.

Is the Chesapeake Bay the largest Ria on the Atlantic coast?

Yes, the Chesapeake Bay is the largest ria on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is a drowned river valley that extends over 200 miles and is renowned for its ecological significance and biodiversity.

What is 3 states on the east coast of the US?

I think you mean west coast... On the west coast starting from north there is Washington(state not D.C.),Oregon,California. There are 14 states that are on the east coast(border the Atlantic)

What bodies of water surround Bermuda?

In the Bermuda Triangle even though people think that the Bermuda Triangle is not a real sea. hope this helped!