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Q: Why did white southerners from all classes enlist to fight Yankees?
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Why did African- Americans enlist to fight in the civil war?

Because they were trying to fight for their freedom.

Why did many poor Southerners complain that the Civil War was a rich man's fight?

They said it was a rich man's war and a poor man's fight. That was because a lot of dirt-poor troops were having to fight for the profits of rich landowners who were not in uniform. Northern troops were saying the same - because of the disastrous law that allowed rich young men to pay a substitute to enlist in their place.

Why did African Americans want to enlist during the civil war?

The civil war was about slavery so aferican Americans would enlist to fight for their freedom

Why were the KKK set up?

they were a bunch of southerners who got mad at the Yankees who had gotten rid of our slaves. so when the slaves started movin down here, they got mad an formed the Ku Klux Klan.

What was Germany going to do with all the soldiers from the Eastern Front now that they no longer had to fight the Russians?

Enlist them to fight on the side of Germany?

What can you do to help the US?

You might enlist in the army and help them fight the current wars, or if that is not feasible, perhaps you might convince some better qualified person to enlist in the army, or have children and when they are old enough suggest that they enlist in the army.

What can you do to help the US army?

You might enlist in the army and help them fight the current wars, or if that is not feasible, perhaps you might convince some better qualified person to enlist in the army, or have children and when they are old enough suggest that they enlist in the army.

How did southerners fight abolitions?

Justin Bieber love

Who did the Yankees fight in the American Civil War?

The Confederates (South)

How did the southerners react to Jefferson Davis's plan to fight a difencsive war of attrition?

Anaconda Plan.

Why did people refuse to enlist and fight in the civil war?

I Don't Know. Too Many Deaths Of Loved Ones.