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Q: Why did the southern states have the right to secede?
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Which event caused the Southern States to secede from the Union

Who was elected as president of the US that prompted some southern states to secede?

some southern states secede because of preisdent abrahim Lincoln

Why did the southern states believe states believe they had the right to secede from the union?

They believed that their rights, society and economy was endangered by Lincoln's election. They saw the only way to preserve themselves was to secede.

What did they call the southern states when they secede?


Did the south have the right to secede from the US?

The southern states certainly believed they had the right to secede, but most of the northern states disagreed. The question was answered by a sort of trial-by-combat called the American civil War.Because the Confederacy lost the war and the Union was preserved, it turned out that no state had the right to secede without Congressional approval.

Why did the southern states believe they had the right to secede from the union from the?

They believed that their rights, society and economy was endangered by Lincoln's election. They saw the only way to preserve themselves was to secede.

Why dud the southern states believe they had the right to secede from the union apex?

The nation was formed by an agreement that new states had not met.;) NJR11 @Nelsonrnjr11-insta

What are the slave states that didnt secede called?

there isn't really a name for them, they are like any state but they have slavery. you could call them southern slave states or slave states, or southern states...... there is no definition for slave states that didnt secede proir to the civil war

Why did the federalists threaten to secede?

Southern states threatened to secede from the Union if Abraham Lincoln was elected as president.

How long did the southern states secede?

The Southern States seceded from 1860-1865, during the course of the Civil War.

Copperhead during the civil war?

"Copperhead" was a term given to Northern people who sympathized with the south and the southern states' right to secede from the Union.