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The south was based off of farming. They had a small scale of land and a low population. They wanted to reach new territories to help promote slavery and farming.

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Q: Why did the south want to expand slavery to the north?
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Related questions

How did the north and the south differ in their ideas about extending slavery?

the north didnt want slavery but the south want slavery

Did the north want slavery?

No. North wanted to end slavery and south wanted slavery

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the north?

In the North they did not want Slavery , and in the South they wanted to be apart of Slavery ,

How did the north and south view slavery?

The north was against slavery, and the south favored it.

Why did south want slavery?

to show spite to the North

Why did the North and South have a Civil war instead of making an agreement?

The South did not want to get rid of slavery and the North did, The North was trying to force the South into it and they rebelled.

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What problems did the south have with the north?

Well the South relied on slavery. It was mostly farming. the north didn't need slavery . it was mostly factories. and there were states being made .the south wanted those states to allow slavery. the north did not want those new states to allow slavery. Then came the civil war.

What did the north want from the south?

the north wanted slavery to end in the south, they also wanted to preserve the union(keep the union united)

What were the goals of Northern and Southern diplomacy including the reasons that the Confederacy failed to achieve its goals?

the north want to end slavery and the south want to have slavery

Why did the southern states from the confederacy?

It is because the south did not want to end slavery and the north did so the secede form the north

How did the issue of slavery promote sectionalism?

Slavery promoted sectionalism because the south was in favor of slavery and the north was opposed to it. The south didn't want slavery to end. With northerners opposing slavery, disagreements started to rise, which resulted in the south attempting to succeed and the Civil War breaking out.