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Because of the enormous new territories acquired from Mexico.

These extended so far either side of the Missouri line that the Missouri Compromise was not workable.

This intensified the debate over new territories joining the Union as slave-states.

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Q: Why did the issue of slavery come up again in the 1840's?
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Why did the issue of slavery come up in the 1840s?

Because of the enormous new territories acquired from Mexico. These extended so far either side of the Missouri line that the Missouri Compromise was not workable. This intensified the debate over new territories joining the Union as slave-states.

By the 1840s many northern Americans had come to see slavery as an evil while many southerners defended the institution as a positive good What arguments did each side marshal in support of its case?

The North felt that the South was treating blacks unfairly. However, the South felt that slavery was necessary to keep the economy strong.

Why did Missouri' s application for admission to the union spark a controversy?

One controversial feature of Missouri's admission was that nearly all of the state was north of the line where slavery was supposed to be permitted by a previous agreement. Only a tiny portion ('the bootheel') was south of the slavery line, but the whole state would be admitted as a slave state. This upset northern anti-slavery advocates including Quakers, and encouraged southerners in favor of expanding slavery throughout all the western territories and states.

Is it possible for slavery to come back?

Slavery has never left and still exists. People around the world are still slaves and sold into slavery everyday. Even in the US people are found that are slaves.

Who and where did slavery come from?

Slavery is indeed very old. It started in the B.c period, when two countries were at war, the winner took the loosing soldiers and people as slaves.

Related questions

Why did the issue of slavery come up in the 1840s?

Because of the enormous new territories acquired from Mexico. These extended so far either side of the Missouri line that the Missouri Compromise was not workable. This intensified the debate over new territories joining the Union as slave-states.

How did the war for independence affect slavery in the US?

The issue, matter of, is that slavery remain unsettled for many years to come.

Where did immigrants come from in the 1840s?

Europe and Asia

When people vote directly on the issue of slavery that is called?

There was a vote for slavery with the Kansas Nebraska Act. The states held an election to decide if they would come in free or slave.

What encouraged many immigrants to come to Texas in the 1840s?

Annation, the lure of inexpensive land, and legalized slavery attracted thousands of people into Texas in the 1840s and the 1850s.

By the 1840s many northern Americans had come to see slavery as an evil while many southerners defended the institution as a positive good What arguments did each side marshal in support of its case?

The North felt that the South was treating blacks unfairly. However, the South felt that slavery was necessary to keep the economy strong.

What is the grand council?

where the chiefs of the groups gather and discuss an issue and come to a consensus and if they don't they go through the long process again and again until they reach a consensus

Will slavery ever come to an end?

Slavery continues to be an ongoing issue in various parts of the world, but there are efforts being made globally to combat it through legislation, advocacy, and awareness. It will require continued dedication and collaboration among governments, organizations, and individuals to work towards eradicating slavery in all its forms.

Why did slavery come to the US?

Because slavery is super efficient and fun

Where did slavery come upon?

in africa

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come again.

How can you answer 'what salary do you expect?

Try to figure out the average salary and put that down. Really, it doesn't matter. It'll come up again in an interview. You can elaborate on the issue then.