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'cause it wanted to

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Q: Why did the industry in Texas grow during the civil war?
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Why did the Texas cattle industry grow after civiler war?

People from back east needed more meat, since all of the meat was used up feeding the soldiers in the Civil War.

Why did the steel industry grow so quickly after the civil war?

they used it for lightbulbs

How did the different geography of the north and south contribute to the outbreak of the civil war and the north's success during the war?

The north doesn't grow cotton, but, it has a lot of industry. The south's use of cotton, (and their need of slaves), and their limited industry helped lead to the civil war and the south's defeat.

What helped northern cities grow before the Civil War?

Industry and manufacturing and personal labor!

Why did General Burnside grow sideburns during the Civil War?

Why not?

What two factor helped industry grow in the south after the civil war?

Democrats hand lots of land

Why did the government of Texas grow during the beginning of the republic?

because the war was declare

Why did the government debt of Texas grow during the beginning of the republic?

because the war was declare

What two factors helped industry grow in the south after the civil war?

cheap and reliable workforce helped southern industry grow also factorys hleped it grow as well

Where did rice grow in the south during the civil war?

Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and South Carolina

What did southern plantations grow during the Civil War?

cotton because of the cotton gin.......................i think

How did Greek colonies helped industry to grow?

They traded and fought to help industry grow.