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For better job opportunities, a better life, to get away from cartels/corrupt government, and some to smuggle drugs/people into the U.S.

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Q: Why did the Mexican immigrants came to the us?
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Mexican immigrants came into the country. [apex :))]

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Mexican immigrants came into the country.

What happened as a result of anti Chinese legislation?

Mexican immigrants came into the country.

Where did Mexican immigrants go in the US?

Texas and New Mexico

When was there a wave of Mexican immigrants to the US?

There is one right now.

Estimated Mexican Immigrant Population in the US by 2012?

The Estimated Mexican Immigrant Population in the US by 2012 is 420,420 immigrants. :)

Where did the Mexican immigrants go when they came to America?

they went to do different kinds of jobs in america.

What did US win after the Mexican-America War?

A steady supply of Mexican immigrants for the next thousand years.

What section of the US did most Mexican immigrants settle in?

Dalton, Georgia