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so the pilgrims and waloons had religius freedom because in the Netherlands the kids lost british heritage oh and they got a charter from the king alng with tha there was another ship that i don't know the name of that is a rough anser

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14y ago

the people on the mayflower - the pilgrims came to US to be able to practice their religion freely.

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Q: Why did the Mayflower go to America?
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What was name of the flagship the brought the pilgrims to America?

Its the Mayflower.

How fast did mayflower travel?

The Mayflower was a boat that the early settlers of America traveled on. This Mayflower took many months to travel from Europe to North America.

What was the name of the ship that transported the pilgrims to America in 1620?

The Mayflower.

How long did it take Mayflower to sail to America?

It took 2 months for the mayflower to sail to America. See related link.

What is the name of the ship the pilgrims sailed from Plymouth England into the Plymouth colony in America in 1620?

The Pilgrim Fathers traveled on the Mayflower

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the separatists came to America on the Mayflower.

Which way did the Mayflower sail?

The Mayflower sailed to America from Europe, so it went west.

Why were the people on the Mayflower on the Mayflower?

They where on the mayflower to sail to America but for religious reasons. They didn't agree with the church of England so they sailed to America to make there own church and believe in God. Hope this helped

What did the Mayflower have to do with pilgrims?

The Mayflower was used to get the pilgrims to America. If you heard of Christopher Columbus then you heard of pilgrims and if you heard of pilgrims you heard of the Mayflower.

Information on the Mayflower voyage to America?

For information pertaining to the Mayflower voyage, see the link below:

The ship who brought the pilgrims to America was the?

The Mayflower

How did the pilgrams get to America?

on a boat named the Mayflower