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Indentured servants came over to America, that was a way to pay a trip over. For a few years they would serve the people that paid for their ride over and when they were done they would receive land. Cycle repeats as ex-servants would be land owners. Way cheaper to pay for slaves than to have to keep on hiring.

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Q: Why did southern farmers begin usin enslaved africans?
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Why did slavery begin in the Americas?

There were four reasons they enslaved Africans 1)Africans were immune to the Europeans disease. 2)Africans had no one in America to help them escape. 3)they provided a permanent source of cheap labor. 4) many had worked on farms in their native lands

Why did colonies begin to use slave labor?

There are many reasons why many groups and nationalities have been used as slaves throughout time. Africans were only one of many examples because throughout time whites also enslaved whites. Africans still enslave Africans. The American experience is only one of many times slaves have been used in history and today. Initially few enslaved Africans were used in the Americas. It was the expansion of the sugar industry in Barbados and the Leeward islands that led to the large scale use of enslaved Africans by planters. Initially white British indentured labour was used. The Dutch first started the trade but once the British got involved they were able to better organize the trade sending ships back and forth between England, Africa and the Americas, known as the triangular trade. As a result the price of slaves dropped and planters turned to this cheap source of labour. Hence in a nutshell, the reasons for the use of enslaved Africans by planters in the Americas was simply that it was a cheap form of labour. By the time the mainland colonies started to used enslaved Africans as labour, the trade was well organised by the British and the price of slaves was significantly reduced to make slave labour viable. Not that Africans were only slaves in the "New World". Some Black Americans owned slaves. Slavery was also not limited to the southern states either. There were states in the north during the civil war that owned slaves throughout the entire war. It was not until several months after the civil war ended that slavery finally became illegal.

When did slavery begin in America?

The first Africans brought to Colonial America on English occupied territory came ashore at Point Comfort, today's Fort Monroe in Hampton, Virginia. They were later transported to plantations including Jamestown. The White Lion, an English ship flying a Dutch Flag brought the first Africans to Virginia in August of 1619. The fist enslaved Africans were considered indentured servants but in 1661 the Virginia House of Burgess declared Africans to be slaves for life.

Why did farmers begin forming cooperatives in the late 1800s?

In the late 1800's farmers organized Granges which set up cooperative banks and stores that gave farmers greater equality in the marketplace, and pushed through state legislation for better schools and for the protection of consumers and farmers.

Why did slavery first begin?

I'm pretty sure it started because the white people who did not feel like doing there house work and did not want to pay for someone to do it so they took Africans under their control and they only had to pay to own/get the Africans

Related questions

Why did southern farms begin using enslaved africans?

Southern farms used enslaved Africans due to the need for cheap labor to cultivate labor-intensive crops like cotton and tobacco. The enslaved Africans were seen as a more cost-effective and permanent workforce compared to indentured servants or paid laborers. This practice also perpetuated the institution of slavery and provided economic benefits to the plantation owners.

Why did European nations begin trading in enslaved Africans?


Why did the southern planters begin to use enslaved Africans to work in the fields?

Southern planters began using enslaved Africans to work in the fields because they needed a large, inexpensive labor force to expand their agriculture operations and increase profits. Enslaved Africans were seen as a cheap and readily available source of labor, and the institution of slavery provided a way to control and exploit their labor while maintaining the planters' economic interests.

Why did southern planters begin to use enslaved africans to work in the fields?

Southern planters turned to enslaved Africans for labor in the fields due to the profitability of plantation agriculture and the need for cheap labor to increase production. African slaves were seen as a source of cheap and abundant labor that could be controlled and exploited for their benefit.

When did slavery begin in South Carolina?

The first enslaved Africans arrived in what is now Winyah Bay in 1526

Why did Europeans begin to acquire enslaved Africans?

access to an inexpensive workforce seemed like an attractive idea.

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Why did slavery begin in the Americas?

There were four reasons they enslaved Africans 1)Africans were immune to the Europeans disease. 2)Africans had no one in America to help them escape. 3)they provided a permanent source of cheap labor. 4) many had worked on farms in their native lands

Why did southern planters begin to enslave workers?

I'm not so positive that I'm right, but this is what i have Because they had indentured servants which meant that they volunteered to work without pay in exchange for transportation to America. Well, once their indentured servants left they needed help so they enslaved Africans to their job for them. Hope this helps

Why did colonies begin to use slave labor?

There are many reasons why many groups and nationalities have been used as slaves throughout time. Africans were only one of many examples because throughout time whites also enslaved whites. Africans still enslave Africans. The American experience is only one of many times slaves have been used in history and today. Initially few enslaved Africans were used in the Americas. It was the expansion of the sugar industry in Barbados and the Leeward islands that led to the large scale use of enslaved Africans by planters. Initially white British indentured labour was used. The Dutch first started the trade but once the British got involved they were able to better organize the trade sending ships back and forth between England, Africa and the Americas, known as the triangular trade. As a result the price of slaves dropped and planters turned to this cheap source of labour. Hence in a nutshell, the reasons for the use of enslaved Africans by planters in the Americas was simply that it was a cheap form of labour. By the time the mainland colonies started to used enslaved Africans as labour, the trade was well organised by the British and the price of slaves was significantly reduced to make slave labour viable. Not that Africans were only slaves in the "New World". Some Black Americans owned slaves. Slavery was also not limited to the southern states either. There were states in the north during the civil war that owned slaves throughout the entire war. It was not until several months after the civil war ended that slavery finally became illegal.

What was the main thing that kept enslaved africans from giving up hope?

I dont know but i know why the colonists begin moving to the backcountry by the middle 1700s it's because the backcountry is the name that these colonists gave to the rugged land near the appalachian mountains.

When did slavery begin in America?

The first Africans brought to Colonial America on English occupied territory came ashore at Point Comfort, today's Fort Monroe in Hampton, Virginia. They were later transported to plantations including Jamestown. The White Lion, an English ship flying a Dutch Flag brought the first Africans to Virginia in August of 1619. The fist enslaved Africans were considered indentured servants but in 1661 the Virginia House of Burgess declared Africans to be slaves for life.