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Q: Why did it take money to make money during the period of rapid economic expansion after the Civil War What are the implications of this for the potential for social mobility?
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What is income mobility?

Income mobility is also known as an economic mobility. It is the ability of an individual or family to improve on the present economic status.

How does intragenerational mobility differ from intergeneratioal mobility?

Intergenerational mobility is that which compares your socio-economic status with that of your parents/previous family generations, whereas intragenerational mobility compares how your socio-economic status has changed over the course of your lifetime.

What is the meaning for mobility of resources?

it is an economic dance style

What is labor mobility?

Labor mobility, which is the willingness to go where the jobs are or to move wherever the company has a need, enhances an individual's income potential.

What is the definition of a gas?

A gas is any substance possessing a perfect molecular mobility and the property of indefinite expansion.

The profitability of slavery and the mobility of slaveholders combined to?

stunt the expansion and diversification or urban or small-town economies

What has the author Ruth Klinov written?

Ruth Klinov has written: 'Do Arab and Jewish markets within Israel converge?' -- subject(s): Fruit, Economic conditions, Prices, Palestinian Arabs, Economic aspects, Vegetables, Ethnic relations 'Occupational mobility - some findings' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Occupational mobility 'Labor mobility in Israel' -- subject(s): Labor mobility

What has the author Charles George Allyn written?

Charles George Allyn has written: 'Manpower, education, and mobility in the modern society' -- subject(s): Business and education, Economic aspects, Economic aspects of Education, Education, Labor mobility, Labor supply

How does the US measure social mobility?

The US measures social mobility by looking at factors such as income inequality, education attainment, occupational mobility, and intergenerational mobility, which is the ability of individuals to move up or down the social and economic ladder compared to their parents. Researchers often use data on income mobility and educational achievement to track trends in social mobility over time.

What is the definition and history and structure of social mobility?

Social mobility refers to the movement of individuals or groups within a social hierarchy, often in terms of economic status or social class. Historically, social mobility has been limited by factors such as birthright, education, and economic opportunities. It can occur through intergenerational changes in status (intergenerational mobility) or within a person's lifetime (intragenerational mobility).

Who provided an economic foundation for Sparta?

Solon; he was the one who created social mobility based on wealth for Athens

In science what is gas but in science terms?

A substance possessing perfect molecular mobility and the property of indefinite expansion, as opposed to asolid or liquid.