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Big business support tariffs because they want to limit competition. If it is expensive for foreign companies to sell goods in the US, businesses in the US can control the market.

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By setting high tariffs, government officials reduced competition and encouraged the development of trusts.

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Q: Why did big businesses support high tariffs?
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Why did big business support high?

Big business support tariffs because they want to limit competition. If it is expensive for foreign companies to sell goods in the US, businesses in the US can control the market.

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 What are the ways to reduce the impact of tariffs on the industry?

Tariffs are a big problem for businesses, especially those in manufacturing, making it difficult for them to compete in global markets and raising the cost of goods for consumers.There are ways to reduce the impact of tariffs on businesses. One way is to diversify your customer base so that you are less dependent on any one market.

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They acted to support big businesses or something like that - apex

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support from big businesses helped because they funded Hitler for the propaganda that he used which was one of the main causes to him become chancellor and then dictator. Also Hitler gained supporters from big businesses allowing him to advertise and use their shops or other businesses for advertising and selling of merchandise. this was due the the business men having various shops or businesses spread all over Germany. This in turn spread the word around of Hitler and gained him many supporters.

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The courts supported the big businesses during the Second Inustrial Revolution.

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Did big businesses support Debs in 1912 presidential election?

No. Debs did not get much support from anybody, receiving only 6% of the vote. He was a Socialist, certainly not an ally of big business but a friend to organized labor. He did best in states with a lot of union workers.

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What 3 big issues began to divide the nation and why?

Tariffs, land, slavery

How do small businesses compare to big businesses in helping the economy?
