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Q: Why did Webster think that the war over secession was inevitable?
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Was the civil war over the slavery or over the secession?

The Civil War followed naturally from the secession - which was caused by the increasing difficulty of creating new slave-states, so that the South was getting outvoted in Congress, which then tended to pass laws that favoured the North.

Was slavery inevitable?

Slavery in general or slavery somewhere in particular? but over all the answer is yes. somewhere someone will put someone else into forced labor without their consent.

Why were the north and south fighting during the civil war?

The Civil War was fought over the secession of the southern states. Southern secession generated the US federal government's military campaign to reclaim the southern states and crush the rebellion against the federal government. The reason the southern states seceded is that they feared US federal government intervention in the racist institution of African slavery. Many people say that North and South went to war over "states' rights," but this is an historically revisionist viewpoint expressed primarily by persons in the South who are enamored of a factually incorrect historical view of the Civil War. A review of the official secession documents (secession convention resolutions and secession ordinances) of the eleven states that seceded shows that nine of the eleven states named Northern interference with the institution of African slavery as the reason for secession. The Vice-President of the CSA, Alexander Stephens, in announcing the Confederacy gave protection of the racist institution of African slavery as the "cornerstone" upon which the Confederacy stood (Alexander Stephens -- "Cornerstone" speech.) He described African slavery as justified on moral, scientific, and racial grounds. The Southern states seceded solely to preserve the institution of African slavery. The US federal military entered the southern states to subdue the rebellion. The US and the CSA fought the Civil War over the southern institution of African slavery.

What was the norths view of secession?

They hated it. Lincoln said himself that he did not want to fight against his own brothers. He also said that the Union should help the Rebels and treat them nicely. Smartest 8th grader in the world

How much did a pick cost in 1849?

over 100$ i think..

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It was over the doctrine of nullification

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His concern over an inevitable conflict between the North and South

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What are the release dates for Webster - 1983 Bowled Over 6-15?

Webster - 1983 Bowled Over 6-15 was released on: USA: 16 December 1988

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Ecology secession, YOUR WELCOME!

How many books did Noah Webster publish?

Noah Webster published over 20 books throughout his career, including his most famous work, the American Dictionary of the English Language.

Was the civil war over the slavery or over the secession?

The Civil War followed naturally from the secession - which was caused by the increasing difficulty of creating new slave-states, so that the South was getting outvoted in Congress, which then tended to pass laws that favoured the North.

How many words are in Webster's dictionary in present?

Webster's dictionary contains over 470,000 words as of the most recent edition. The number of words continues to grow as language evolves and new words are added.

What was the Webster-hayne debate over?

right of states to nullify federal laws

The Webster-Hayne debate was over the?

right of states to nullify federal laws

The Webster hayne debate was over the?

right of states to nullify Federal Laws