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Q: Why did Americans want to practice isolationism in the 1930s?
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Why did theUS want to practice Isolationism?

because they did want to participate in Europe war fair and the had Great Depression in their country

What countries practice isolationism?

United States mostly practised isolationism because they did want to participate in Europe war fair and the had Great Depression in their country too so they didn't want to participate in any war fare so they practised isolationism.

Why did white Americans want segregation in the 1920s and 1930s?

White Americans suffered from a false sense of superiority complex

Why were Americans supporting a neutral position in the 1930s regarding the growiing political and military tensions in Europe?

Americans did not want to get involved in a European war again.

Are there differences between isolationism and unilateralism?

Isolationism-Avoid participation in foreign affairs, Neutral. Unilateralism-Act without consulting others you want to be the dominant country.

Why would Americans want imperialism?

Like all things, people have their opinions. Some people like imperialistic expansionism because the policy states that a powerful country takes over a weaker county. Some people believe in the opposite, isolationism, which is the policy where a country leaves other countries alone. George Washington believed in isolationism.

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What desire strongly influenced US foreign policy during the 1930s?

It was the policy of isolation an example was the Manchurian Crisis even though the League of Nations got involved they were useless due to the fact America was not involved due to the policy of isolation

Why did Americans wish to reamin neutral in the 1920's and 1930s?

They had enough of Europe when they bailed them out during WW1 (1914-1918). The US didn't want to fight in that war either; but did...entering it in 1917.

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To ensure that Americans have freedom of the press (Americans can write anything they want to), freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, the right of petition, and Congress can't pass laws that hinder the practice of religion.

What did the internationalists want the US to do during the 1930s?

During the 1930s internationalists wanted the US to take a more active role in world affairs.

Are people free to practice any religion they want in Taiwan?

yes, because if you want to practice any religion they want they can it shouldn't matter if you are christian and you want to practice jewish. so yes it is free to practice any religion the want!!