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because of English background and support of the mother country

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Zula Muller

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Q: Why did American support lean toward triple entente?
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Why did American support lean toward the Triple Entente?

because of English background and support of the mother country

Did the us support the triple entente or the triple alliance?

I think that what pushed the us toward the supporting of the triple entente and not the triple alliance was the how it help each other that should. They had been attacked by the other countries and that was considered a great power to the US.

What pushed the US toward supporting the triple entente and not triple alliance?

I think that what pushed the us toward the supporting of the triple entente and not the triple alliance was the how it help each other that should. They had been attacked by the other countries and that was considered a great power to the US.

Was Serbia a part of the triple entente or the triple alliance?


What did the triple entente known as?

The Triple Entente became the Allied Powers.

Which group did the US eventualli side with in world war 1?

The Triple Entente.

What did the triple entente become known as?

The Triple Entente became the Allied Powers.

Who was stronger - triple entente or triple alliance. and also strengths weaknesses for both sides?

Triple Entente

Which side did Russian support in World War 1?

Serbia, The Triple Entente - France & Britain.

What countries are part of the triple entente?

The triple entente consisted or France, Britain, and Russia.

What is the triple entente in the World War 1?

The Triple Entente was an alliance during WWI between Britain, France, and Russia. The Triple Entente is a different from the Triple Alliance which was between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

The triple entente became known as the?

Those fighting for the Triple Entente were called allies. The Triple Entente consisted of the countries of France, England, and Russia.