Paleo Indians are Important because they were actually the first people that migrated in America . Also they were nomads which it means they moved a lot since they were hunters gatherers .
There were many important results of the Civil War. Which do you think was the most important, and why?
What important discovery was made there
Why was Cesar chavez important? for striking
Vicksburg is the most important Union victory.
Ifwas and is important.!
It is said that mammoths died out due to climate change (warming) or because they were hunted & killed by Paleoindians.
The first people to live in Florida were the PaleoIndians around 12,000 BC. This developed into the Woodland People by 500 AD. Then in 1200 AD, the Mississippi People ruled Florida. Juan Ponce de León came in 1513.
Native Americans were in Massachusetts for centuries before the Pilgrims came to Plymouth in 1620. The paleoIndians were present from 10,000 BC.
Native Americans were the first settlers in South Dakota.
Assuming the question "......onto the land" is refering to the continent North America, there are a couple of plausible answers, and both are argubly true. 1. The PaleoIndians--following their food source--animals, walked. They came across the Bering Strait (a "land bridge", at that time) into North America. 2. Asian exployers/navigaters touched land briefly down around the 14th-15th century, but did not stay.
Important to you is a statement Important to you? is a question..
it is important because it is important
they are important because they are important
They are not important They are not important They are not important yes they are yes they are yes they are
it is important because it is
By important you mean almost extinct important or just important. Because i believe every animal is important
English is important, because apparently its just important. But really your own language is more important! So no its not that important..