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segregation was still legal in the u.s.

*Not only was segregation still legal in the US, there was tremendous resentment toward African American in the South especially after the Civil War. Lynchings and violent racial crimes were common. However, discrimination also was not limited to the South, but also occurred in the North. (e.g. the infamous Duluth lynchings in Minnesota). Blacks were simply not given equal opportunities, and a majority were poverty stricken. Having a low economic class also contributed to the general lack of success.

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8y ago

When president Hays took office in 1870 he made a deal to pull federal troops out of the south. This effectively stopped reconstruction and allowed Jim Crow laws to be enforced and discrimination to continue for another 100 years until the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed.

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Q: Why African Americans were Not Free During The Reconstruction?
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Why did congress disagree with president johnsons reconstruction plan?

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In the south there were no "free African Americans ". All African Americans in the southern states were slaves. Therefore, slaves owners didn't create problems for free African Americans because they never met a free slaves.

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freedom for other african americans

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by allowing FREE African Americans to join the army

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They made it look like they were free and didn't look like slaves.

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Were all African-Americans slaves?

Not all African Americans were slaves. Many were free African Americans while others were so light in their skin color so they could pass as a white. Some free African Americans owned slaves themselves.

What industy did most African Americans find jobs?

Most free African Americans in the south during the 1800s found work not very different from slave work, such as being a laborer.

Do slaves and free African Americans mingle?
