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Abraham Lincoln. He was the only Representative on the voting ballot. The North favored him and voted for him. The larger population of the north helped him win. As for the south, he wasn't on the ballot. Only Democrats were on southern ballots.

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Q: Who won in the election of 1864?
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Did Lincoln win election 1864 or Douglas?

Lincoln won the 1864 presidential election.

1864 in presidential election the democrats?

The person who won the 1864 presidential election was Abraham Lincoln.

What was the exact date of the election of 1864?

November 8, 1864 Abraham Lincoln won the election! :)

Who won the Presidential election of 1863?

The election of 1866 was not a Presidential race. Rather it was a midterm election that refreshed the United States Congress.

Did Democratic Party won during civil war?

No. The November 1864 General Election was won by Lincoln.

What date did Abraham Lincoln win president?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 Presidential election on November 6, 1860. This was the first time he was elected President.He ran for reelection in 1864, and won the 1864 Presidential election on November 8, 1864.on march 4 1861

What presidential election did Lincoln win?

He won two. First one was in 1860, then again in 1864.

Who won the election in 1864?

Ulysses Grant of course, who was a terrible military commander and a worse president.

What is the significance of the election of 1864?

The 1864 election was a great personal triumph for Abraham Lincoln. He won 55 percent of the popular vote, with a popular majority of more than 400,000 votes. ... The 1864 election had great significance in American history. For one thing, it was a vindication of democracy

Who won the US presidential election of 1866?

There was no U.S. presidential election in 1866. Incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating George McClellan. Ulysses S. Grant won the 1868 presidential election defeating Horatio Seymour.

In the election of 1864 Lincoln?

won by a slim margin, thanks to the votes of Union soldiers. Henretta, pg. 430.

When did Lincoln election happen?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. Incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating George McClellan.