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The Union Army.

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Q: Who won Vicksburg was it the union or the confederate army?
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When the union army won the Vicksburg battle?

ANSWER On July 4,1863, when the Confederate Army under General Pemberton capitulated.

Which side claimed victory in the Battle of Vicksburg?

Since the Confederate General Pemberton surrendered the city to General Grant of the Union Army, I suspect the Union claimed victory.

In the civil warwho won the battle of bull runthe union or the confederate army?

The Battle of Bull Run was won by the Confederate Army.

Who won the Battle at Vicksberg?

The Union Army of Tennessee led by General Grant won the Battle of Vicksburg.

Who won the vicksberg battle?

The Union Army of Tennessee led by General Grant won the Battle of Vicksburg.

What were the two victories that the union army won?

My Dad's uncle's uncles fought in the war and he said they said they won Vicksburg and Gettysburg

Who won the battle with Vicksburg?

U.S. Grant's Union army. The Confederates under John C. Pemberton surrendered.

Who won at Vicksburg and Gettysburg?

The Union did: Grant at Vicksburg, Meade at Gettysburg.

Was the Battle of Chancellorsville won by the Confederates?

The Union won the Battle of Vicksburg, led by General Ulysses S. Grant

How did the Confederate win the Battle at Bull Run?

The Confederates won The Battle of Bull Run because the Union plan was too complicated and General Burnside's army could not get a move on. With a little over half of the Union Army involved in the fighting and the center of the Union Army basically uninvolved, The Confederate army could regroup and attack one army at a time. The Confederate Army did not need to be larger than the entire Union Army. It only needed to be larger than the part that was attacking.

Who won the battle of the 2nd bull run?

Confederates won both the battles of that name.

Who won in chancellorsville?

The Confederate army.