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Q: Who were the union leaders at the battle of Richmond?
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The Union did not capture Richmond..

What were the Union's plans for 1st Battle of Bull Run?

Simply - on, on to Richmond.

What was the battle of chancellorsville about?

It was one of the attempts by the Union to capture the Confederate capital, Richmond.

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McClellan for the Union. Lee for the Confederates.

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Who was the Union leader at the Battle of Richmond?

William "Bull" Nelson commanded the Union Forces against E. Kirby Smith in the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, which was probably the most lop-sided Southern victory of the US Civil War.

Where did the battle of Richmond take place?

The battle of Richmond took place at Richmond, Virginia. :)

Who were the leaders at the battle of chickamauga?

Braxton Bragg (Confederate), William Rosecrans (Union)

What were the attitudes of soldiers in the battle of chancellorsville?

The Confederates were confident in their leaders, the Union soldiers less so. After the battle, the Union troops said they had been misused by Hooker.

What was the name of the battle that the confederates won when the union troops tried to invade Richmond?

The Union's first attempt to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, was known as the first Battle of Bull Run or also referred to as the first Battle of Mananas.The Union forces were led by General Irvin McDowell. The battle was in July of 1861. Confederate forces realized that McDowell could capture the important rail head at Mananas and so made their stand near a stream called Bull Run.The ensuing battle was a disaster for the Union. They retreated in a panic.

Wo were the Union leaders of the first battle?

The first battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Fort Sumter. The leader for the Union was Robert Anderson and the leader for the Confederacy was P. G. T. Beauregard.