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For the south: James Longstreet, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, J.E.B. Stuart, Wade Hampton, A.P.Hill, D.H.Hill, Albert Sydney Johnston, Joseph E. Johnston, Jubal Early, Braxton Bragg.

For the north: Ulysess Grant, William T. Sherman, Phil Sheridan, Joseph Hooker, Ambrose Burnside, George Meade, George McClellan.

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Q: Who were the leading generals for both sides of the US Civil War?
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Great Generals

Can you have a list of people who were in the Civil War?

Wikipedia will give you an index of Generals on both sides.

What was the trend in age among US Civil War generals as the war progressed?

On an overall basis the trend in ages among US Civil War generals trended downwards. Because of retirement, resignations, and casualties the ages of generals on both sides trended downwards for both sides in the conflict. The ages of these generals at the beginning of the war were almost identical. Early in war the average ages drifted to between 43.6 to 44.8. At the end of the war, each side in the conflict had almost equal ages for generals, that being 42.4 years of age.

What was the impact of the rifle on battlefield tactics in the Civil War?

The true potential of the rifles available during the Civil War was not used because Generals on both sides insisted on using old tactics, without tacking the ability of their weapons into account.

How many generals were in the US Civil War?

There are 40 Generals Currently on Active Duty. This does not count the Generals that are in the National Guard and Reserve who have been activated or otherwise.

Who was the leading general of US?

In the Civil War, both sides were still technically part of the U.S. There were a few different generals over the course of the war. The most famous ones were the ones who were general at the ends. General Ulysses S. Grant was the general for the Union and General Robert E. Lee was the general for the Confederacy.

Who was the first general to the punic wars?

Both sides had several generals. None was 'first'.

What is the names of the commanders that served on both the union and confederate armies?

The commanders that served during the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate sides, were called Generals. On the Union side his name was Ulysses S. Grant and on the Confederate side it was Robert E. Lee.

What were the capital of both sides of the civil war?


Similarities between north and south during civil war?

Both the North and South during the Civil War had strong sense of nationalism and were willing to fight for their beliefs. Economically, both regions relied heavily on agriculture for their income. Furthermore, both sides experienced high casualties and suffered devastating losses during the war.

Who were two famous generals from the civil war?

Robert E. Lee and ''Stonewall'' Jackson. Both Confederate.

Who were the leading generals for both sides of the civil war?

For the North: US Grant WT Sherman Phil Sheridan Winfield Hancock Joseph Hooker George McClellan For the South: Robert E Lee TJ Jackson (Stonewall) James Longstreet Jeb Stuart Nathan B Forrest Wade Hampton Joseph E Johnston PT Beauregarde.