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Abraham Licoln.

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Q: Who was elected president when South Carolina and 6 other states seceded in 1860?
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Who had been recently elected as President of the US whenthe southern states seceded?

who had been recently elected as president of the United States when the southern states seceded

What was the reaction of the South when Abraham Lincoln was elected President?

Led by South Carolina, seven Southern states seceded from the union after Lincoln was elected and before he took office.

The upper southern states seceded when Lincoln?

The upper southern states seceded when Lincoln was elected president of the United States.

Who was elected as president of the US when the southern states seceded?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was elected president of the US and leading to the souths succession?

Several states seceded when they learned that Lincoln has been elected president.

Who had been recently elected as president of United States when the southern states seceded?

Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 and states began to secede.

What did the southern states begin to do as soon as Lincoln was elected?

South Carolina seceded from the USA, and encouraged others to follow.

What event led South Carolina's leaders to secede from the Union?

The election of Lincoln in 1860. He would not allow any new slave-states, so the South knew they would always be outvoted in Congress.

How was secession related to the question of slavery?

In December 1860, South Carolina seceded, and was the first state to secede. In January 1861, Mississippi , Florida , Alabama , Georgia , and Louisiana seceded. On February 4, 1861 representatives met in Montgomery , Alabama and established the Confederate States of America . The President elected was Jefferson Davis (of Mississippi ) and Vice President elected was Alexander H. Stephens (of Georgia ). On March 2, 1861, Texas seceded.

Who was elected president when the southern stated seceded?

Abraham Lincoln was the president-elect when the Southern states began to secede. Some of them seceded after he was inaugurated as President.

When several states seceded from the union they elected their own president and began their own separate union of states called what?

They called it "The Confederate States of America."

Who was the president when states form comfederacy?

Seven states seceded while Buchanan was still the president and formed the Confederacy Four more states joined after Lincoln took office. The Confederacy elected Jefferson Davis as its president.