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Woodrow Wilson. He also forced black politicians out of government offices. He put blacks and other minorities in delapitated neighborhoods and kept them dependent on government welfare and kept them unemployed. Margret Sanger was a member in Wilsons administration. They wanted to do a soft ethnic clensing by putting sterilizers in the Inner city water system, but instead started Planned Parenthood. Wilson thought the movie "History of a Nation" was a masterpiece. It depicted the KKK as heros who saved the white women from the dangerous and lustful African Americans. Wilson is dubbed the Father of Progressivism. Progressivism is political correct for Socialism, Marxism, and Communism. Obama is a Progressive Democrat. Democrats founded the KKK and since Republicans freed the slaves, nearly 100% of African Americans were Republican. They were lynched and so were white Republicans. From 1865 till 1964, 3500 blacks and 1700 whites were lynched and killed by Democrats. Democrats blocked the Civil Rights Act in 1957. LBJ was a Senate Majority Leader then. Later as President, he passed and took credit for a Republican Bill. Robert C. Byrd was a former Grand Dragon for the KKK and later was a Democrat U.S. Senator who was part of the block in '57 was also known for saying, "I'd rather be dead or see the American Flag stomped in the dirt than to see a Black man in office." Obama spoke at his funeral. Democrats have been here since 1776. They supported the slave trade and today they want to make us economic slaves. And now we have a Black President who will take us all back to slavery.See that Democrats have suppressed, omited, and changed history to hide their diceptive agenda. See for yourself. Also, the first registered slave owner in America was Anthony Johnson in 1670's. We had black politicians till Woodrow Wilson.

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Q: Who started segragation in America?
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