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Q: Who signed the peace agreement after the civil war?
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Who signed the peace agreement in Paris to end the Vietnam war?

president Nixon

Where was the peace treaty signed to end the civil war?

the appomattox court

The peace agreement signed by the US after World War 1 was-?

The peace agreement signed by the United States after the World War 1 was a ceasefire between the Allied Powers and Germany.

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What peace agreement signed by 60 nations renounced war as an instrument of national policy?

The Kellogg Briand Pact

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How did the agreements made at the end of World War 1 contribute to the outbreak of World War 2?

The agreement was signed by general John pop he was the one who had beeb serious to sign the peace agreement.

When was the peace treaty that ended the civil war signed?

1865. It wasn't a peace treaty but rather a surrender bu Robert E. Lee.

When was the peace treaty signed that ended the civil war?

1865. It wasn't a peace treaty but rather a surrender bu Robert E. Lee.

Did the civil war end in visksburg Mississippi?

No it did not. The Civil War ended with the Treaty of Paris, which was a peace treaty between the "soon to be" Americans and the British which was signed in Paris, France.

What peace agreement ended the Vietnam War?

The Geneva Accords (signed at the two-week-long Geneva Conference in Geneva, Switzerland).

When was the Sudan Civil War fought?

It took place from 1983-2005 with a peace agreement giving independence to South Sudan