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Francis Scott Keys wrote it in the the national anthem

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Francis Scott

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Francis Scott Keyes

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Francis Scott Keyes

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Q: Who said the land of the free and the home of the brave?
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What is the meaning of the word brave?

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the homestead act offered free land for settlers-apex♥♥

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yes because they said that was there land or they will say NO that's our land yes because they said that was there land or they will say NO that's our land

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it's said "the land was bare"

Who said Let me win. But if I cannot win let me brave the attempt?

It is the Athletes oath from the Special Olympics

A valorous person could be said to be?

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Anaphora in brave new world?

The anaphora is: "stability," said the Controller, "stability. No civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability." (Page 42-Brave New World)