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Francisco de Miranda

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Q: Who led the rebellion against Spain in the early 1800s?
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Revolts against Spanish rule broke out throughout the Americas

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Jean Jacques Dessalines was the main leader of the Haitian independence movement against France in the late 1700s and early 1800s. He led a revolution against the French government.

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Because they were constantly being invaded by Spain.

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Because they were constantly being invaded by Spain.

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Why did many of Spain's colonies revolt against Spanish rule in the early 1800s?

Many of Spain's colonies revolted against Spanish rule in the early 1800s due to various factors. These included the influence of enlightenment ideas of liberty and equality, resentment towards Spanish economic exploitation, the weakening of Spanish colonial administration, and the impact of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. Additionally, the successful revolutions in the United States and France served as inspirations for independence movements in the Spanish colonies.

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