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Q: Who is the father of Mexican independence?
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Who started the movement for Mexican independence?

Father Hidalgo started the movement for Mexican independence.

Who started the movement for Mexican?

Father Hidalgo started the movement for Mexican independence.

Who was considered to be the father of mexican independence?

Miguel Hidalgo is considered the father of Mexican independence. He was a priest who led the first major revolt against Spanish colonial rule in Mexico in 1810, starting the War for Independence.

How did father Hidalgo rally the Mexican people?

By convincing them to seek independence from Spain.

Who was the founder of the Mexican War for Independence?

Father Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811)

Is Miguel Hidalgo famous in Mexico?

Yes. He is considered to be the father of Mexican independence.

Who led the Mexican fight for independence?

Father hidalgo las casas and gutierruz

What did miguel y costilla do for Mexico?

He began the revolt that ultimately became the Mexican Independence War. He is known as the father of the Mexican independence (Spanish: Padre de la Patria).

What did Father Hidalgo Costilla try to convince the Mexican people to do?

Seek Independence from Spain.

Why do Mexican people believe it should be their independence day?

Because September 16th is the day father Miguel Hidalgo started the revolt that eventually became the Mexican Independence War against Spain.

Who was the person who issued that cry for Mexican Independence in the dawn of September 16?

Father Miguel Hidalgo.

Who declared Mexican Independence from Spain?

Father Miguel Hidalgo in his Grito de Dolores.