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Phyllis Wheatley, a brilliant young African slave in Boston, wrote Columbia. and Columbia was a popular illustration in newspapers and magazines of the time.

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Q: Who invented Columbia?
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Albert Kohler of Prince George, British Columbia claims to have invented it

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bunch o' ppl in British-y Columbia, lol!

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It is not clear when maracas were invented. However, there is proof that they were used about 1500 year ago in Columbia.

Is there anything invented in BC?

Do you mean British Columbia or Before Christ??? Never mind, in both cases, the answer is, "Yes".

What is a graphanola victrola by Columbia?

it was a radio broadcaster invented in the 1920's. it was one of the first and was widespread throughout the south

What year was the canadarm invented?

The Canadarm was invented in 1975 by an engineer from Canada's National Research Council named G. Harold Porter. It made its debut on the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1981.

When was the canadarm invented?

The Canadarm was invented in the early 1970s by a team of engineers at the National Research Council of Canada. It made its first space flight on the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1981.

What does 'Idaho' mean?

'Idaho' is an invented word and was used for a steamship on the Columbia river. 'Idaho' is also a word coined by George Willing, who intended it to be used for the area we now know as Colorado.

Who invented the ecological footprint?

The concept of the ecological footprint was developed by Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees at the University of British Columbia in the 1990s. It is a measure of human demand on Earth's ecosystems.