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Q: Who enjoyed the least freedom in the English colonies?
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Which gruop enjoyed the least freedom in the English colonies?


What group of people enjoyed the least freedom in the colonies?

That would be the colonies that allowed slavery. Black slaves had no rights at all.

Who had the least freedom in the colonies men or women?

women had less right because of the male superiority rule

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Responbilities you enjoyed least

What was the qualification for holding office in 18th century English colonies?

Property ownership of at least 1,000 acres

What did the southern middle and New England colonies have in common?

They both had at least some slavery, and some of the settlements in each started for religioius freedom/refuge.

How did the middle colonies change from dutch control to English control?

They seized control because they kicked English butt. I honestly have no clue but at least this question is answered.

What did southern new England and middle colonies have in common?

They both had at least some slavery, and some of the settlements in each started for religioius freedom/refuge.

What reason were the northern colonies initially settled?

Some were established to gain religious freedom, some were established as commercial ventures. Georgia was a prison colony, at least in part.

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