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Q: Who design the first national Indian flag?
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What did Confederates call their flag?

The Confederate States of America had 3 different versions of their National Flag. The common flag most familiar as a "Rebel flag" was actually the battle flag carried by each regiment to help identify the unit. Each regiment usually carried their regimental battle flag and the National flag. Names of the National FlagsFirst National FlagSecond National FlagThird National Flag Other Battle Flags were designed based on the individual state from where the unit was from. Each design had a name, usually the name of their commanding general or the Army. Thus the Army of Tennessee had adopted a Blue flag with a White Disc in the center and wide white trim and it became known as the Army of Tennessee flag. The soldiers from Kentucky formed into a unit and adopted a flag that was identified as the flag of the Kentucky Brigade. Before the war really started, the first flag used by the early Confederate States was the "Bonnie Blue Flag" which consisted of a blue flag with a White Star.

Why the American flag created?

In 1776 Francis Hopkins was asked to design a flag for the Navy. This flag was the first US flag and served as the basis for future flags. Countries make flags to represent who they are in various situations and places.

What is a flag used as a symbol of a nation?

Such a flag is called a national flag.

What does the design on the confederate flag truly mean?

The flag shows all the battles of the confederacy.

Who decided the original US flag?

On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution that established our Nation's flag: Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation. Thus we recognize June 14th as Flag Day in the United States.The original design of the flag is a mystery of history. The "Betsy Ross flag" with a circle of 13 five-pointed stars was probably NOT our first flag design. Rather Francis Hopkinson's flag design is more likely since he was in the loop with the Continental Congress at the time of the signing of the Flag Resolution. The "Hopkinson Flag" featured 5 rows of six-pointed stars: numbered 3-2-3-2-3. He also helped design the official seal of the US was a signer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and there is documentation where he asked to be reimbursed for the design work of the new flag. He was not paid since he was considered a "public servant" at the time.

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When did Indian national flag adopted?

Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru hoisted the first time Indian flag in Delhi at Red Fort 15th August 1947.

Which Product was first certified by ISI?

The Indian National Flag.

Who was the first Indian to raise the national flag?

Sarojini naidu

Who has the distinction of being the first Asian to have hoisted the Indian national flag at the north pole?

Dr. Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan planted an Indian national flag on April 23 1985.

When the Indian National Flag was accepted?

The indian national flag was accepted on 22 July,1947.

What flag is the national flag of Goa?

the indian flag

Who was design national flag?

The national flag of Pakistan was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai

What the Indian flag size?

i dont noe the size of the INDIAN NATIONAL FLAG!!

The first Asian to have hoisted Indian national flag in the North Pol?

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The first person to hoist Indian National Flag in foreign soil and when?

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Who is the designer of Indian flag?

Indian National Flag was designed in 1916 by PINKALI VENKAYYA.

Who stitched the first Indian national flag?

The original U.S. Flag was credited to Betsy Ross