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I take it you are looking for the word "Mexico". Mexico was conquered and colonized by Spain.

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Q: Who colonized in the areas that is south of what is now the US?
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Who colonized the areas that are south of what is now the US?

Spain and French.

Who colonized the areas that are south of of what is now the US?

Spain and French.

Who colonised the US?

Primarily Europeans colonized what is now the United States.

What colonized area is south of the US?

The first parts of the "new world" to be colonized by western Europeans in the early 16th century were the Caribbean islands.

Who colonized the US in 1565?

The US was colonized by the Britain.

What nations colonized the territory that is now the US and Canada?

Great Britain, Netherlands, France, Spain, Russia.

Which country colonized the US?

What is now the US was colonized by several different countries. Great Britain was the primary country. Spain had much of the south east and south west parts. The Dutch first colonized New York and the area there and the French had most of the Mississippi and Great Lakes region. Russia had what is now Alaska.

Who colonized Philippines?

SpainEnglandAmericaJapanThese countries colonized us in order.If you do not believe that the England colonized the Philippines because it is rarely or not talked about, it is because the British Empire only colonized us for 2years.

How did Canada become part of England?

Canada was colonized by the British, as was America (now the US). It has since gained independence.

Was Mississippi ever colonized by another nation before it was part of the us?

Yes. The territory that is now Mississippi was first colonized by the European. It has been under the control of Spanish, British, and French governments.

Where are armadillo found?

They originated in South America, but they can be found in the southern US and are now expanding to more northern areas like North Carolina and southern Indiana.

Are some areas of Canada south of the US?

no. Canada is not in some ares south of the U.S.