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Missouri Compromise

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Q: Who admitted one slave and one free state to the union and fixed the boundary between slave and free territories?
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What admitted both Maine and Missouri to the Union and fixed the boundary between slave and free territories?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Admitted both Maine and Missouri to the Union and fixed the boundary between slave and free territories?

The 1820 Missouri Compromise.

What is a fixed boundary?

A fixed boundary is a boundary that remains constant and does not change over time. It is a permanent demarcation line between two areas or regions. Fixed boundaries are typically established by legal agreements, treaties, or physical features such as rivers or mountain ranges.

What happens to a wave when it reaches a fixed boundary?

When a wave reaches a fixed boundary, it reflects back towards the medium it originated from. The direction of reflection depends on the type of wave and the properties of the boundary. In the case of a fixed boundary, the wave reflects without changing its phase.

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What happens to a wave when it hits a fixed boundary?

When a wave hits a fixed boundary, it reflects back in the opposite direction with the same speed and frequency. The wave may also experience a phase change, depending on the boundary conditions.

What happens when a wave is reflected at a fixed boundary?

When a wave is reflected at a fixed boundary, it undergoes a phase change of 180 degrees and returns in the opposite direction. This creates interference between the incident and reflected waves, resulting in a standing wave pattern if the incident wave is a continuous wave. The amplitude of the reflected wave depends on the properties of the boundary and the medium through which the wave is traveling.

When a wave reflects from a fixed boundary the only change in the wave is the direction of travel?

When a wave reflects from a fixed boundary, the only change is the direction in which the wave is traveling. The properties of the wave, such as its amplitude and frequency, remain the same.

When a wave reflects from a fixed boundary is the only change in the wave is the direction of travel?


When a wave reflects from a fixed boundary the wave changes direction of travel and is slowed down True or false?

True. When a wave reflects from a fixed boundary, it changes direction of travel as it rebounds back from the boundary. The wave may also be inverted depending on the type of boundary. Additionally, the wave can experience a phase shift upon reflection.

During the treaty of 1846 the northern boundary of Oregon was fixed at?

Along the line of the 49th parallel.

What finally fixed the continental boundaries of the US?

The Treaty of Paris in 1783 officially established the eastern boundary of the United States along the Atlantic Ocean after the end of the American Revolutionary War. The Adams-OnΓ­s Treaty of 1819 between the US and Spain further solidified the western boundary by ceding Florida to the US and setting the boundary with New Spain.