Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.
All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.
December of 1865-the 13th amendment
December 1865 - the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
All slaves that were owned by people in the South were set free. Not the slaves in the North. The 13th Amendment set all the slaves free.
He set them free when he died
Abraham Lincoln set the slaves free.
No, it set them all free immediately.
Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.
All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.
he was only 40 when he set the slaves free
It didn’t set all slaves free. It only freed slaves in the states of the confederacy. One of the consequences was the slaves began to follow the union troops and many enlisted as soldiers.