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The Nauset, an Algonquin tribe.

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Q: Which tribes did the Pilgrims meet?
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What was the name of the Indian the pilgrims first met?

Squanto is the first Indian to meet the pilgrims.

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Who introduced Squanto to the pilgrims?

Squanto was introduced to the Pilgrims by Samoset, a member of the Abenaki tribe who spoke some English and acted as a mediator between the Pilgrims and the Native American tribes.

What Native American tribes helped the pilgrims to survive in the New World?

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When the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth massachusetts in 1620 there were already native americans living in the area what is one of the native American tribes that the pilgrims encountered?

the Wampanoag

When the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620 there were already Native Americans living in the area. is one of the Native American tribes that the Pilgrims encountered?

the Wampanoag

Who did the narrator meet at the Tabbard?

He met twenty-nine pilgrims.

What did Squanto give the pilgrims?

Squanto helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to fish, plant crops, and survive in the unfamiliar environment of the New World. He also acted as a translator between the Pilgrims and the Native American tribes in the area.

Did the Seneca Indians help the pilgrims?

The Seneca Indians saved the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. The Seneca Indians fed, housed, and fed the pilgrims when they arrived from Europe. Many Seneca tribes look at the Thanksgiving holiday as a day of mourning.