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Q: Which state was the last to become part of the US?
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Who was the last state to become part the US?


Which state was the last state to become part of the US?

Hawaii on 21 August 1959

What year did the last state become part of the US?

Hawaii in 1959.

What was the last state to become part of the US?

Hawaii was the last state to join the United States of America. It became a state on August 21st, 1959.

What was the last state to become a state of the US?


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Wyoming is the 44th state to become part of the Union.

How did the state of us become a state?

They had to sign up to be a part of the US

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What was the last state to become apart of the US?


What number state was NJ?

It was the third state to become part of the US.

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