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The Missouri Compromise (1820) settled on the parallel 36 degrees 30 minutes. North of that line, there could be no new slave-states.

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Q: Which parallel made the slave states and the free states?
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Why was the concern about admitting Missouri as a slave state?

It would have made an imbalance in congress and that would make more slave states than free states, thus the pro slavery states would have more power in congress

What was the event that threatened to destroy the equality of free and slave states?

Admission of Missouri as a slave state in 1820. The problem was resolved via the Missouri Compromise, which also made a free state out of Maine, which previously ahd been part of Massachusetts.

What efforts were made to prevent the outbreak of the civil war?

There were attempts to compromise, or find resolve in the conflict between slave states and free states. In the years prior to the Civil War.

Was The conflict between slave and free states resolved by the great compromise?

The compromise between slave states and free states was resolved by the 3/5ths Compromise. The southern states wanted to have slaves count as part of the population. The free states did not. They eventually agreed that the 3 out of every 5 slaves would be counted. The Great Compromise was when the legislature was agreed to be made of 2 houses, one upper and one lower. The upper house would have equal representation and the lower would be have the states represented by population.

Which had greater number of states confederate or US?

At the outbreak of the US Civil War in 1861, the United States consisted of 19 free States and 15 slave States. Eleven slave States withdrew from the Union and made up the Confederate States of America. The Union had the greater number of States and among these States, several of them, plus Washington DC, were loyal to the Union but had slaves until the War's end in 1865.

Related questions

What did the Bill of rights say about slavery?

they made an agreement. there was acertian degrees to slave states and free states. the nourth is the free states and the south is the slave states.

Where the states that seceded from the union slave states free states or border states?

Slave states. Some border states made attempts to secede, but for one reason or another, failed to do so.

What was enacted in 1820 to keep a balance between slave states and free states?

the Missouri Compromise

What was the event that made southern states difficult for masters to free their slaves?

Fugitive slave act

Why was the concern about admitting Missouri as a slave state?

It would have made an imbalance in congress and that would make more slave states than free states, thus the pro slavery states would have more power in congress

Did slave states when or non-slave states win?

The free-soil North won against the slave-owning Confederacy. However, there were four slave-owning states on the Northern side, and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation did not free those slaves. This confirms that the Proclamation was not really to do with Abolitonism. It was an urgent tactical measure to keep the British from supporting the Confederates, because it would have made them look pro-slavery.

What was illegal to do in the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act made it illegal for anyone to assist or harbor a fugitive slave, and mandated that law enforcement officials in free states capture and return escapees to their owners in slave states. Anyone found guilty of aiding a fugitive slave could be fined or imprisoned.

What issue did the Missouri Compromise temporarily resolve?

The western expansion of slavery and the balance between slave and free states in the Senate

When California became a free state what new law was made in the southern states?

1. prohibition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia

Do The Missouri Compromise of 1820 made slavery illegal in all states north of a specific geographical boundary?

Yes. It was Missouri's Southern border that became the parallel.

What was the event that threatened to destroy the equality of free and slave states?

Admission of Missouri as a slave state in 1820. The problem was resolved via the Missouri Compromise, which also made a free state out of Maine, which previously ahd been part of Massachusetts.

How was the Compromise of 1850 similar to the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. The compromise of 1850 said any new states would be free states as long as they passed the fugitive slave act. This act made Northerners turn in runaway slaves.