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The Union Army in the North and the Confederate Army in the South

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Q: Which 2 groups were fighting in the American Civil War?
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Fighting between different groups of people within the same country?

answer is CIVIL WAR

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How is Civil War different from other types of war?

A war between two groups in a country, like American Civil War.

Why was the Civil War civil?

It wasn't plain and simple. It was not two groups of one country fighting, it was an invasion of a nation by another.

How many Americans died in the American civil war fighting for the confedercy?


Why was the civil war war?

It wasn't plain and simple. It was not two groups of one country fighting, it was an invasion of a nation by another.

How is the fighting in Libya heading towards a civil war?

Several different militant groups fighting for power over one region leads to the civil unrest. When the general public is separated through support of these different groups, with no mediating medium in place to control the force, there is a high probability for a civil war.

What 3 ethnic groups that fought in the American civil war?

African american, Hispanic and Indians.

What groups fought in the Civil War?

In the US Civil War, the north and the south were fighting against each other. The North being the Union, and the South being the Confederacy.

What are similarities between the American Civil War and the libyan Civil War?

They both have the same people living in the same country fighting against each other. That is why it is called a Civil War.

In the American Civil War what groups fought?

In the American Civil War, the two opposed forces were the Union (also known as the North) and the Confederacy (also known as the South).

What of conflict was the American Civil War?

oh,the answer is: at first they were fighting for not seceeding, and then the war ended up to be about slavery.   i am 11