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Yes. Lydia Maria Child and Harriet Beecher Stowe were abolitionists.

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Q: Where there any white women against slavery?
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Sarah and Angelina Grimke were peaceful women who worked to end slavery and racism.

Did Germans keep the women for slavery?

There isn't any record of slavery in Germany but they did put arrested women to work especially during the nazi regime.

Are you for or against slavery?

I am against slavery in any form. Slavery is a violation of human rights and goes against the principles of equality and freedom. It is important to advocate for the abolition of slavery and support efforts to eradicate this grave injustice.

What is an abolonist?

Abolitionists were people who were against slavery, and could be of any race.

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Not in any country that has laws against slavery.

Should white people be enslaved?

No, enslaving any race of people is immoral and goes against basic human rights and dignity. Historically, slavery has caused great harm and suffering, and it is important to work towards equality and freedom for all individuals.

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Was African slavery more brutal than any other form of slavery?

well yes it was slavery was such a sad thing they were whipped and pregnant women died easily so yeah bro.

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