the union. about 350,000 on the union side about 250,000 on the confederate side
Because Richmond was the capitol of the Confederate States of America, where the Confederate leaders were all located. Only miles form Washington DC, capturing the confederate leadership would disrupt all elements of the confederates operations.
Braxton Bragg (Confederate), William Rosecrans (Union)
Cemetery Hill
Confederate: Robert E. Lee ,,, Union: George B. McClellan
Pardons for Confederate leaders
Confederate victories were largely the result of Robert Lee and Jefferson Davis.
U.S. Grant- union Robert E. Lee-confederate
It was important because Maryland was a slave state with pro confederate leaders.
The Union president was Abraham Lincoln. The Confederate President was Jefferson Davis.
Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War, so he could be seen as the leader of the Union. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States so he could be seen as the leader of the Confederates.
Union Commnader: Ulysses Grant Confederate Comander: John Pemberton
He was one of a group of Confederate sympathisers who used to meet at a boarding-house in Maryland - a slave-state with divided loyalties, that Lincoln had managed to keep in the Union by jailing its leaders without trial. It is not true, however, that the Confederate government had planned Lincoln's assassination, as claimed by some in Washington, who were in favour of hanging all senior Confederates.