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The first entry of the Lewis and Clark Journals state that the expedition began on August 30, 1803 in Pittsburgh, PA.That's right, NOT St. Louis in 1804. If you don't believe me, please follow the related link to the Journals' first entry.

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Q: Where did the corps begin their journey?
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In which city and state did these pioneers begin their journey west?

Louisiana purchase

When did Lewis and Clark return from their journey?

Merriweather Lewis and William Clark's journey, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, lasted from May of 1804 to September of of 1806. President Jefferson commissioned this expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase.

When did the corps of discovery begin their journey?

Contrary to popular belief, the expedition DID NOT begin in St. Louis, Missouri. The first entry in the Lewis and Clark Expedition Journals state that the journey began in Pittsburgh, PA on August 30, 1803. Lewis, who had been assigned by Jefferson sailed down the Ohio River with supplies towards St. Louis.William Clark would offer to join Lewis on the expedition weeks later on October 13, 1803 at Camp Dubois (in present-day Indiana). They then named their team the "Corps of Discovery." From there, they sailed down the Ohio River towards St. Louis. Meriwether Lewis had spent the time prior to their departure in St. Louis gathering information from mountain men returning from the west. They then departed St. Louis in May 1804 heading up the Missouri River.

What year did Lewis and Clark come back from their journey?

The explorers began their journey home on March 23, 1806. On July 3, after crossing the Continental Divide, the Corps split into two teams so Lewis could explore the Marias River. Lewis and Clark stayed separated until they reached the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers on August 11. Once reunited, the Corps was able to return home quickly via the Missouri River. They reached St. Louis on September 23, 1806.

Why was york important to the corps of discovery?

why was york impportant to the corps

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The Corps of Discovery, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, began their journey on May 14, 1804. Their expedition was commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

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