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Reports from the "field" (US Advisers/Special Forces) indicated that the South Vietnamese Forces were losing ground in their fight against communitst forces. The request was made for regular US ground troops, to turn the tide against the communist forces.

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16y ago
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16y ago

US advisers/Special Forces (Green Beret) submitted reports from the field, that the inflow of Soviet/Red (Communist) Chinese supplied North Vietnamese Regular Army Troops (NVA), combined with growing local strength (Insurgent Viet Cong forces), were creating a situation, that they may NOT be able to successfully deal with, with out the intervention of regular US combat troops. These reports had been building each year up through 1964, culminating into a decision to counter the communist threat with conventional "US Force" (With a contingency plan for the use of nuclear weapons). The US Marines were landed in 1965.

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15y ago

US Army "Replacements" landed by both commercial airlines (chartered aircraft) and military transports at Bien Hoa and Cam Ranh airfields in RVN (Republic of South Vietnam). US Marines originally made amphibious landings in 1965 at (NEAR): Hue & Phu Bai; Da Nang; Chu Lai; Qui Nhon; and Cam Ranh Bay all located in the RVN.

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17y ago

Marines were normally brought into and out of Vietnam via Okinawa where they were given final orientation and training.

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11y ago

This info is very likely still classified,and the first troops sent were officially "advisers",long before the Vietnam War started in 1965.

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Q: When did American troops first enter Vietnam?
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What year did the first American ground troops enter Vietnam?


When were the first American troops introduced into Vietnam?

Believe it or not, the first troops into Vietnam were not conventional troops. They were actually the Green Berets, or the 10th Special Operations Forces. They were there to train the South Vietnamese to fight the Guerrilla Vietcong in South Vietnam. They first went in country in the 1950's.

When did American troops go to Vietnam?

First ground troops were sent to Vietnam in 1965.

When did American troops land in Vietnam?

Conventional forces in large numbers began arriving in country in '65.

Did the US begin fighting in Korea before or after they sent troops to Vietnam?

Well before any US troops were sent to Vietnam. The Korean Conflict kicked off in 1950, and the ceasefire was signed in 1953 (although the conflict remains ongoing). The first American troops didn't arrive in Vietnam until 1954.

When did US enter Vietnam War?

Military advisors first arrived in Vietnam in 1950. America started sending troops into Vietnam as early as 1960, but they took no military action until 1965. The United States was actively (militarily) involved in the Vietnam War from 1965 to 1975.

What major city on the coast of south Vietnam was where the first US troops landed?

The city on the coast of south Vietnam where the first US troops landed was Da Nang.

What was the date that the first US troops was sent to VietNam?


What was the exact date that regular US troops became invoved in Vietnam and when did they leave?

American involvement began in 1955. The first combat troops arrived in 1965, and we fought the war until January 1973.

What month did the first combat troops go inti Vietnam?

US troops were in Vietnam as early as 1945, as a result of the ending of World War II. Lt. Col. A. Peter Dewey, head of an American OSS mission, was killed by Vietminh troops and became the first American soldier to die in Vietnam. It is believed he was mistaken by the Vietminh to be a Frenchman. The Eisenhower administration provided South Vietnam with money and advisers to help stop the threat of a North Vietnamese takeover. Eisenhower and Kennedy continued to send advisers to South Vietnam. Following the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, President Johnson sent in 3,500 Marines, the first official troops, to South Vietnam. By the end of 1965, there were 200,000 US troops in Vietnam.

Why did General Westmoreland first request American combat troops?

William Westmoreland requested combat troops after several serious setbacks against South Vietnamese forces. Eventually, there were over 500,000 Americans in Vietnam.

When did the US first send troops to Vietnam and when was a ceasefire signed?