Plantations suffered at the civil war because the fighting took place their and destroyed the plantation.
If you mean which American Civil War battle then it was the Battle of Gettysburg which took place July 1st - July 3rd of 1863.
stupid i know it
More battles in the US Civil War took place in Virginia than any other place. This may have been due to the fact that Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was the largest Confederate army and the fact that Virginia bordered the most populous Northern States.
Civil rights movement.
Most of the fighting took place in the South, and most battles in Virginia
Most of the fighting took place in France.
Most of the battles during the Civil War in the West took place in Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia.
Plantations suffered at the civil war because the fighting took place their and destroyed the plantation.
the South
D. France
Most of the fighting from world war 1 happened in Europe in the countries of Belgium and France. The germans did most of the fighting and invasions.
In France, along the fronteer between France and Germany.
The last fighting took place at Appomattox Station on April 9, 1865
Because most of the fighting took place in the South.
The American Civil war was unusual in that the headquarters of the opposing armies were fairly close together and therfore most of the fighting took place in a relatively small theatre around Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina. Later the fighting spread out to the Mississippi and down into Georgia.
The fighting of what is known as the Battle of the Bulge took place in Belgium and with a lesser degree of fighting in Luxembourg.