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Appomattox Court House, after the Confederates abandoned Petersburg and Richmond.

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Q: Where did lee's finally surrender take place?
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Where did general lees surrender take place?

On Palm Sunday, 9 April 1865, at 3:00pm, at Appomattox Court House, Virginia

Where did the surrender of appomattox take place?

== ==

When did the final surrender take place?

The final surrender took place September 2, 1945, on the battleship Missouri anchored in Tokyo bay

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October 19, 1781 was the date of Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown.

When did the confederate surrender take place?

April 9, 1865

Where did the surrender at the end of the war take place?

Depends on the war and when. Give a War and you will get an answer.

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Wilmur Mclean's farmhouse parlor

Why did lee surrender and where did it take place?

General Lee surrendered at Gettysburg, PA because he had lost many men during the battle.

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"Surrender" is a word that can mean letting something take control of you.

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September 2, 1945 Although the Emperor Hirohito of Japan proclaimed his Empire's surrender on August 14, the formal ceremony did not take place until September 2.

Where did the surrender take place and who was there during the CVIL WAR?

in the year of late 1865, the surrender of the confederacy and the victorious union General Lee surrendered to new US Union general Ulyyses Grant in Virginia's capital in Lee's home (that's my best answer