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Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba

We went over this question in History class. Hope it helps (:

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Q: Where did communist government gain power in latin America?
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Where did communist gain power Latin America?


Is China's the only great world power with a communist government?

No, China is not the only remaining great world power with a communist government. Russia is also a great power with the communist government.

Who has more power democratic or communist government?

I think that Communist government has more power than democratic government at this time.

How did communism affect latin America?

Communism had varying impacts on Latin America, with some countries adopting communist ideologies leading to political upheaval, economic reforms, and social changes. Countries like Cuba saw a revolution led by Fidel Castro that brought about a communist government, while other countries experienced conflicts and divisions due to competing ideologies. Overall, communism in Latin America contributed to shifts in power dynamics, social programs, and relationships with global superpowers like the United States.

What type of government has all the power?

A communist party and a totalitarian government.

Who held the power in the soviet government?

The communist party.

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What is Latin america

Big stick diplomacy in latin America?

Increased United States power in Latin America.

What country was the primary colonial power in Latin America?

The primary colonial power in Latin America was the country Spain. However, the Portuguese had power over the country of Brazil.

In 1991 what split into 15 independent republics when its communist government lost power?

The SOVIET UNION split into fifteen republics in 1991 when the Communist government in Moscow was unable to hold onto power.

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What did Russia do after Bolsheviks took power?

Established a Communist government and pulled out of the war.