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in Siberia and Atlanta Georgia. samples of the virus are kept here

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Q: Where are smallpox likely found?
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What countries are smallpox found?


Where are smallpox found?

all over your body.

Can mosquitoes spread smallpox?

It is very unlikely that they would carry smallpox. However, I have found that some of the most unlikely things can happen.

Where is smallpox found on the human body?

It can be in whole body of human.

How did Edward Jenner find out about microbes?

he didn't, he found out about smallpox

How many years was Edward Jenner a doctor?

he was 14 when he found out about smallpox's

Who developed a vaccination for smallpox?

Louis PasteurEdward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...Note: Developed not invented

Who found smallpox?

Smallpox has been around since 1100 BC. The first attempt to protect people from the disease was discovered in 1796 by Edward Jenner.

How Edward Jenner found vaccination?

Observation and deductive reasoning. Smallpox was a scourge during Jenner's time, but he noticed that milkmaids contracted a very mild illness similar to smallpox called "cowpox", from which they recovered easily. He postulated that a tiny bit of the cowpox serum could be injected into a well person, and the mild cowpox might protect them from the deadly smallpox. It worked.

Who developed a smallpox vaccine?

Louis PasteurEdward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...Note: Developed not invented

When was smallpox first documented?

The earliest credible clinical evidence of smallpox is found in the Egyptian mummy of Ramses V who died over 3000 years ag.

What were the sicknesses of Virginia in the 1700's?

the answer to this question is that smallpox is a disease that can be found in virginia