Never, because bills are not minted. Coins are minted, bills are printed. Please see the Related Question for more information.
1000 Dollars
$10.-$15. depending on how worn it is.Note that bills are printed. Coins are minted.
President Grover Cleveland
Never, because bills are not minted. Coins are minted, bills are printed. Please see the Related Question for more information.
There's more information at the Related Question.Two-dollar bills were never MINTED. Only coins are minted. Bills are printed.
There is no 1,000 dollar German bill
1000 Dollars
Penny: Centidollar Dime: Decidollar Ten dollar bill: Decadollar 100 dollar bill: Hectodollar 1,000 dollar bill: Kilodollar
$10.-$15. depending on how worn it is.Note that bills are printed. Coins are minted.
The first item that could be called a Federally-issued $1000 bill was actually an interest-bearing note released in 1861. However it wasn't intended for general circulation. The next year, a $1000 United States Note was released, and is normally considered to be the first official thousand-dollar bill.
Grover Cleveland
Hugh shearer
President Grover Cleveland
Yes the us mint made a 1000 dollar bill with grover cleveland.